Energy systems

Forward-looking technologies and our experience for your energy projects


For several years, we have collaborated with market-leading energy providers to offer efficient, future-proof solutions for highly complex processes. We develop billing engines and middleware for connection to billing systems like powercloud and applications for controlling and forecasting energy shortages and surpluses in virtual power plants. We are familiar with mFRR, aFRR and FCR control reserve forms as well as the structural design of the German electricity grid.


We work with time series databases (TSDB), such as InfluxDB and the OCHP (Open Clearing House Protocol) standard, and also support you in designing customer portals with fully comprehensive front-end and back-end solutions. We use the latest technologies, such as React, Java, Spring Boot and Azure Cloud, to make your vision a reality.

Our industry-specific experience and expertise take your energy projects into the future.

Your contact

Foto der Person
Artur Schiefer
Managing Director Software Development and Data Science
Would you like to learn more about our customised software solutions and data science methods?

Our Managing Director Artur Schiefer will advise you on our custom solutions that will give your company the technological lead.
Phone: +49 341 35576-675