On 04.07.2023, we had the school student Annika with us as part of the project "genialsozial".
“Genialsozial” is a project of the Saxon Youth Foundation. It offers school students the opportunity to work in a company a day. In addition to gaining experience, they also collect donations for social projects all over the world.
In the beginning, Annika received a short introduction to our company as well as the processes and procedures. Afterwards, our marketing & copywriting Xpert Thomas gave her insights into the creation of posts and blogs on social media as well as our website. Annika's first task was to translate one of our blog posts into English.
This was followed by a cosy lunch break with a buffet in our X Lounge, where Annika recharged herself for the afternoon. She took on the challenge of writing her own news article and also designed a visual to go with it.
But what does Annika have to say about all this? "I was quickly accepted. The staff are all very nice and understanding when something doesn't work right away or you need help. If I could participate in “genialsozial” again, I would definitely come here again."