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European Football Championship After Work!

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We won’t be letting the European Football Championship pass us by!

In addition to the opportunity to compete against each other in the traditional internal IT Sonix predication game, we also wanted to experience the typical European Football Championship atmosphere live together.

That's why we dedicated our monthly After Work yesterday to the match between Germany and Hungary and were able to enjoy a very special football atmosphere. Excitement and anticipation were in the air as everyone gathered in the early evening to watch the live stream. Our offices were once again transformed into a cosy place to get together and our grill master prepared delicious sausages, kebabs and grilled vegetables on the terrace. While the German team gave their best on the field, it was a great opportunity for our employees to get together outside of working hours, share in the excitement and celebrate the start of the 2024 summer fairytale. It was not only an evening full of sporting entertainment, but also an opportunity for everyone to relax and get to know each other better. And honestly, the team spirit was at least as tangible when cheering together as it was on the screen!

We enjoy organising events like this, which help us to grow even closer together as a company. And who knows, maybe the next event where we can cheer together again will be not be too far in the future - especially if the German national team continues to play so successfully. European Championship final, here we come!