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Focus on social projects

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Major agenda item "genialsozial - Deine Arbeit gegen Armut".

On 20 July, the motto "genialsozial - Deine Arbeit gegen Armut" (ingenious social - your work against poverty) was also very much on our agenda.

This programme of the Saxon Youth Foundation allows school children to work in a company for one day in the last school week before the summer holidays. The young people not only gain valuable insights into different occupational fields, but also donate the wages earned to social projects locally in Saxony and worldwide.

On Tuesday, we welcomed 13-year-old Anton to our company. It was not files that were dusted off or coffee that was made, but Anton, together with one of our employees, Peter (Product Owner and Project Manager), took a closer look at the graphic processing and construction of 3D print models.

For Anton, the day started with a guided tour through our offices. This gave him a comprehensive impression of our work routine and our corporate culture. How are projects handled in day-to-day business? What is our way of working and which programming languages are used to implement the software for our numerous customers? What does it mean to work agilely? What is Scrum and what are the differences between frontend and backend? Anton's thirst for knowledge was quenched on all these questions.

Next, Peter explained to Anton how to set up a 3D printing software and the 3D printer with all its functions. In order to get a first impression of what this device can do, a test object was printed. The highlight of the day for Anton was the self-modelling of his own name badge.

But how did Anton actually like it? Anton: "The day was really nice. It was a lot of fun working with you. Can I come back next year?"