The topic “UX Design for Good or Evil” allowed a variety of aspects to be covered, from black design patterns to the presentation of ethical problems to lectures on projects for questionable users. What do we mean by good and evil? What do they refer to? And what specific opportunities do we have to promote good? When are we to blame, how can we improve the world?
The WUD 2018 was shaped by these diverse questions.
Schillersaal | Room 1, 2 & 3 | |
9:00 |
9:00 – 9:55 | Schillersaal
Keynote – Irgendwie müssen wir ja Geld verdienen (We have to earn money somehow) Richard Bretschneider | eresult GmbH
10:00 |
10:00 – 10:30
UX – The Evil Side Tino Leonhardt | CHECK24
10:00 – 12:15
Room 1
CASSM-Methode (CASSM method) Prof. Dr. Michael Frank | Leipzig University of Applied Sciences
Room 2
User Experience vs. Usability Bastian Ehl & Nils Burgmann | UCDplus
Room 3
Nutzerzentrierte Gestaltung und agile Entwicklung: Liebe auf den zweiten Blick? (User-centred design and agile development: love at second sight?) Michael Minge | Technical University of Berlin
10:45 |
10:45 – 11:15
Prototyping tangible interfaces for people with dementia Martina Uhlig | UID
11:20 |
11:20 – 11:50
Who’s the bad guy now? How a robot could save you in times of exploding volumes. Anna-Karoline Abraham | Spreadshirt
11:55 |
11:55 – 12:25
Wie (weit) geht das Gute (A little goodness goes a long way) Wera Stein | Wigwam
14:00 |
14:00 – 14:30
Erfolgsfaktoren & Best Practices für die optimale Zusammenarbeit zwischen UX-Agenturen und dem Mittelstand (Success factors & best practices for optimal collaboration between UX agencies and small and medium-sized enterprises) Nadine Kempe | UCDplus
14:00 – 16:15
Room 1
Learning to code by writing code poems and mini-sagas Murat Kemaldar | Freelancer
Room 2
User Requirements Engineering Prozess (User requirements engineering process) Claudette Ocando Röhricht | Software AG
14:35 |
14:35 – 15:05
Value as the ultimate “why” Dominik Oślizło | netguru
15:10 |
15:10 – 15:40
Patientenmonitoring in der Palliativversorgung: Gestaltung eines Systems zur Dekubitus-Prophylaxe mit und für Angehörige (Patient monitoring in palliative care: designing a system for pressure sore prevention with and for relatives) Noah Harnisch-Diamond | Technical University of Berlin
16:00 |
From 16:00 | Schillersaal
Open talk |
Keynote – Irgendwie müssen wir ja Geld verdienen (We have to earn money somehow)
UX – The Evil Side
Prototyping tangible interfaces for people with dementia
Who’s the bad guy now? How a robot could save you in times of exploding volumes.
Wie (weit) geht das Gute (A little goodness goes a long way)
Erfolgsfaktoren & Best Practices für die optimale Zusammenarbeit zwischen UX-Agenturen und dem Mittelstand (Success factors & best practices for optimal collaboration between UX agencies and small and medium-sized enterprises)
Value as the ultimate “why”
Patientenmonitoring in der Palliativversorgung: Gestaltung eines Systems zur Dekubitus-Prophylaxe mit und für Angehörige (Patient monitoring in palliative care: designing a system for pressure sore prevention with and for relatives)
Open talk
CASSM-Methode (CASSM method)
User Experience vs. Usability
Nutzerzentrierte Gestaltung und agile Entwicklung: Liebe auf den zweiten Blick? (User-centred design and agile development: love at second sight?)
Learning to code by writing code poems and mini-sagas
User Requirements Engineering Prozess (User requirements engineering process)
UCD+ develops intuitive user interfaces for the digital challenges faced by companies and institutions. As well as an inspiring user experience, our solutions are characterised by high usability and technical excellence.