World Usability Day Leipzig 2020


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89 visitors

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4 lectures

Human-centred artificial intelligence

There’s a buzzword going around right now: artificial intelligence (AI).

But what impact will this concept have on humans? In which areas will AI shape our everyday lives and what impact will it have on the working world of user-centred design?

Today, AI is already part of many production chains and company processes. But to what extent does it influence the way people interact with systems and what new challenges does it pose for them?

In other countries, AI is already used to diagnose illnesses or assess behaviours. But to what extent does this change the need for operating concepts or patterns of interaction?

AI is already used to develop new technologies and used by user-centred designers. But what innovations will it bring and where could dangers arise?

And of course, it’s not only exciting to look at the way things are now: Where will the journey lead? Will AI shake up the field of user-centred design? Will it make our day-to-day working lives easier or will it replace us? What are the ethical, legal or technological limitations of AI?

WUD 2020 focussed on these diverse questions with the theme of Human-Centred AI.

A look back at the programme

Including presentation slides and videos

9:15 – 10:15


Larissa Koch, Frank Stumpf, Christoph Specht

Larissa Koch, Frank Stumpf, Christoph Specht

Chris from the UX Design Team is concerned because management is discussing whether an AI should take over the team’s work. But what is his actual purpose as an employee and how much of that can an AI replace? These questions will be discussed and answered together.
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10:15 – 10:45

Opening the Black Box – Communicating AI

Leif Weitzel

Leif Weitzel

Leif Weitzel presents UI and UX strategies to communicate the topic of AI to users. He tackles the question of how new technologies, particularly the often abstract background processes, can be communicated in screen design while ensuring comprehensibility and user enjoyment.
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10:45 – 11:15

Methoden für die menschzentrierte Gestaltung von KI (Methods for human-centred AI design)

Manuel Kulzer

Manuel Kulzer

How do you start an AI project and what could a human-centred design process within this project look like? In this lecture, AI trainer Manuel Kulzer will present some examples of general approaches to the topic of AI within the company as well as methods of human-centred design that are suitable for application in AI projects.
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11:15 – 11:45

Künstliche Intelligenz als Unterrichtsthema:
Wie Schülerinnen und Schüler Machine Learning verstehen lernen (Artificial intelligence as a teaching subject: how students learn to understand machine learning)

Lidia de Reese

Lidia de Reese

How can teaching materials make machine learning comprehensible and tangible for young people, teachers and educational professionals? The lecture focuses on basic information as well as methodological approaches that enable teachers in both lower and upper secondary levels to explore the operating principles and applications of machine learning with their students from different perspectives. This will allow young people not only to reflect on their own usage behaviour but also to learn to adopt a position on various ethical questions that arise in this context.
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11:45 – 12:15

Künstliche Intelligenz für den Menschen – und nicht gegen ihn (Artificial intelligence for humans – not against them)

Frank Ortmeier

Frank Ortmeier

While humans have a whole lifetime to gain a basic understanding of our world and the underlying values of our society, machines do not have this opportunity at all. Nowadays, AI processes are only ever trained for specific goals. Consequently, successful solutions always emerge from a combination of man and machine. The key challenge is to shape the collaboration in such a way that both sides can cooperate with each other in a purposeful manner.
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  • 9:15 – 10:15


    Larissa Koch, Frank Stumpf, Christoph Specht
  • 10:15 – 10:45

    Opening the Black Box – Communicating AI

    Leif Weitzel
  • 10:45 – 11:15

    Methoden für die menschzentrierte Gestaltung von KI (Methods for human-centred AI design)

    Manuel Kulzer
  • 11:15 – 11:45

    Künstliche Intelligenz als Unterrichtsthema: Wie Schülerinnen und Schüler Machine Learning verstehen lernen (Artificial intelligence as a teaching subject: how students learn to understand machine learning)

    Lidia de Reese
  • 11:45 – 12:15

    Künstliche Intelligenz für den Menschen – und nicht gegen ihn (Artificial intelligence for humans – not against them)

    Frank Ortmeier

Special moments

Partner & sponsors

Special thanks to our partner for this year

Data Respons logo

We would like to thank this year’s sponsors for their support

Webfleet Solutions

Saxony state coat of arms

This programme is co-financed with tax funds on the basis of the budget passed by the Saxon state parliament.

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