The topic “Designing for the future we want” gave us a glimpse into the future in terms of which technologies will soon pose new challenges for the discipline of user-centred design, which fields of work will open up for us in the future and to what extent AI and data science can complement or even replace us.
But it also involved looking into the past to see to what extent we have perhaps already created a desirable future, which everyday phenomena seemed like science fiction a few decades ago and were not presented realistically in films or how a designer from the 20th century would feel today.
Last but not least, we took a look at the present to ask ourselves what is going wrong and needs to be improved and what is going well and should be built upon.
Across all these aspects, we addressed the question of what role design ethics plays, has played, will play and should play as a discipline.
For the first time and exclusively for decision-makers from small and medium-sized companies in the region, on the question of:
What can user-centred design achieve in digitalisation?
Business Track – deciding for the future we want
Kupfersaal | Schrödterhaus Lounge | Schrödterhaus Lounge | |
9:00 |
9:00 – 9:55
Keynote Dr. Matthias Laschke | University of Siegen
10:00 |
10:00 – 10:30
Alle träumen von Unicorns – doch Zebra-Startups bauen auf Realität (Everyone dreams of unicorns – but zebra start-ups are built on reality) Daniel Bartel | sipgate
10:00 – 12:25 | Schrödterhaus Lounge
Workshop 1: Warum stehen alle anderen immer auf der Bremse?! (Why does everyone else always apply the brakes?!) Larissa Koch | Verwegener&Trefflich
10:00 – 12:25 | Schrödterhaus Lounge
Business Track deciding for the future we want
Read more
10:45 |
10:45 – 11:15
Society Centered Design – vom Ich zum Wir (Society-centred design – from I to we) André Gehrmann | Mein Grundeinkommen e.V.
11:20 |
11:20 – 11:50
Virtual design sprints and the evolution of creative process [EN] Sandy Lam & Beatrice Behnisch | Software AG
11:55 |
11:55 – 12:25
Faire neue Arbeitswelt (A fair new working world) Alarith Uhde | University of Siegen
14:00 |
14:00 – 14:30
Usability und Risikomanagement (Usability and risk management) Tobias Limbach | Hillrom Surgical Solutions
14:00 – 16:00 | Schrödterhaus Lounge
Workshop 2: Neue Arbeitswelten – Szenarien bilden und kreativ lösen (New working worlds – creating scenarios and solving them creatively) Larissa Koch | Verwegener&Trefflich
14:00 – 16:00 | Schrödterhaus Lounge
Workshop 3: Eyetracking im Usability Testing (Eye tracking in usability testing) Prof. Ulrich Nikolaus | Leipzig University of Applied Sciences
14:35 |
14:35 – 15:05
Agile UX. Was getan werden muss, damit es garantiert schiefgeht – oder wie es (in Zukunft) doch gelingen kann. (Agile UX. How to guarantee that things will go wrong – or how (in the future) things can still succeed). Dr. Michael Minge | Technical University of Berlin
15:10 |
15:10 – 15:40
UX Design für Künstler: Wenn künstliche Intelligenz Picasso ersetzt. (UX design for artists: when artificial intelligence replaces Picasso.) Richard Bretschneider | eresult
16:00 |
16:00 – 17:00
Open talk |
Alle träumen von Unicorns – doch Zebra-Startups bauen auf Realität (Everyone dreams of unicorns – but zebra start-ups are built on reality)
Society Centered Design – vom Ich zum Wir (Society-centred design – from I to we)
Virtual design sprints and the evolution of creative process [EN]
Faire neue Arbeitswelt (A fair new working world)
Usability und Risikomanagement (Usability and risk management)
Agile UX. Was getan werden muss, damit es garantiert schiefgeht – oder wie es (in Zukunft) doch gelingen kann. (Agile UX. How to guarantee that things will go wrong – or how (in the future) things can still succeed).
UX Design für Künstler: Wenn künstliche Intelligenz Picasso ersetzt. (UX design for artists: when artificial intelligence replaces Picasso.)
Open talk
Workshop 1: Warum stehen alle anderen immer auf der Bremse?! (Why does everyone else always apply the brakes?!)
Workshop 2: Neue Arbeitswelten – Szenarien bilden und kreativ lösen (New working worlds – creating scenarios and solving them creatively)
Workshop 3: Eyetracking im Usability Testing (Eye tracking in usability testing)
Business Track
“At Data Respons we believe in enabling sustainability through technology, and usability design is central to a huge part of the technology we use in our daily lives. We support this initiative as it encourages making the right choices when developing tomorrows technology solutions.” – Kenneth Ragnvaldsen, CEO of Data Respons ASA
Design Offices
Webfleet Solutions